Monday, January 4, 2010


can think.
I am.

I am.
I am something.

I am something.
Therefore I have properties.

This has been a fruitful break. It feels like it began so long ago. I did different things with different people. Different experiences.

But the results are as follows:
1. Ceased Cigarettes
2. Picked up controlled drinking
3. Inevitably lost a lifelong friend
4. Restarted gym habits
5. Reading here and there
6. Recreating myself

And I will ramble upon the last one.
I was taught by my early friends to manipulate others, lie, gossip, and judge to attain desires.
Then I was broken and my fakeness was thrown out the door.
I was taught by my current friends to sympathize others, smile, help, and not to judge.
Then I realized I spent too much time caring what others said and now I'm trying to throw my vanity out the door.
I will draw the line.

Black and white will show.